Program > Program details

Bordeaux University, Domaine Haut-Carré, Agora Auditorium& room Badiane

Epigenetic responses and memories of plants under environmental stresses

Wednesday 10/07/2024

Day 1: Epigenetic responses and memories of plants under  stresses

11h-12h30: Registration of participants

11h30-13h30: Lunch  for those registered (Location: Haut-Carré entrance and Cloister)

13h30-13h45: Welcome, introduction, presentation of EPICATCH 5

Prof. P. Gallusci - Dr. N. Ponts - Prof. F. Martinelli

Location: Agora Auditorium

Session 1: Plant epigenetic responses to environmental stresses

Chairs: Dr. M. Lieberman-Lazarovich ; Prof. S Maury
Location: Agora Auditorium

  • 13h45-14h15: Keynote - Optimizing plant thermotolerance: Dual role of class B heat stress transcription factors in activating and attenuating stress responses - Dr. S. Fragkostefanakis, Group leader, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany
  • 14h15-14h35: Exploring the effects of micro-nanoplastic exposure on Arabidopsis thaliana: discovering new long non-coding RNAs and differential expression patterns. - Dr. Domenico Giosa, University of Messina, Italy
  • 14h35-14h55: PRC2 is required for the developmental and metabolic switch during seedling emergence. - Dr. Aflaki Fatemeh, Biology Centre, CAS, in České Budějovice, Czech Republic
  • 14h55-15h35: Short talks (4 x 10 min)
    • Discarded sequencing reads uncover natural variation in pest resistance in Thlaspi arvense. - Dr. Galanti Dario
    • Distal cis-Regulatory Elements in the Barley Genome. - Dr. Navratilova Pavla
    • Epigenetic insights into barley leaf senescence: a study of induced and developmental processes. - Dr. Grabsztunowicz Magda (On line)
    • Exploring the epigenetic response of fruit tree crops to cold stress. - Dr. Skodra Christina

15h35-16h10: Coffee break (room Badiane) and poster session (Cloister)

  • 16h10-17h00: Short talks (5 x 10 min)
    • Unveiling Epigenetic Regulation and Methylome Flexibility in Rice Salinity Tolerance. - Dr. Ferreira Liliana J.
    • Regulation of co-transcriptional pre-mRNA splicing by serine/arginine-rich proteins. - Dr. Vraggalas Stavros
    • Balancing plant growth and survival in response to light and high temperature. - Dr. Patitaki Eirini
    • Identifying and characterizing molecular players involved in hypoxia stress response in Arabidopsis thaliana and grapevine. - Dr. Labandera Nadeau Anne Marie
    • Issues and challenges in study epigenetic responses to environmental stimuli in woody perennials. - Dr. Sebastiani Luca

Session 2: Priming and epigenetic memories of stresses in crops

Chairs: Dr. S. Fragkostefanakis, Prof. P. Gallusci
Location: Agora Auditorium

  • 17h00-17h30: Keynote - Interplay of chromatin and transcription factors to regulate stress memory - Dr. I. Bäurle, Plant Epigenetics Group at the University of Potsdam, Germany
  • 17h30-17h50: Exploring the impact of priming on grapevine responses to drought stress through multi-omics analysis. - Dr. M. Berger, UMR EGFV, University of Bordeaux, France
  • 17h50-18h10: Unravelling How Plants Encode Flooding Stress Memory.- Dr. S Hartman, Professor of Plant Environmental Signalling & Development at the Centre for Integrative Biological Signalling Studies (CIBSS) and University of Freiburg, Germany


Thursday 11/07/2024

Day 2: Epigenetic mechanisms of plants and organisms in interaction

 Session 2: Priming and epigenetic memories of stresses in crops (end)

Chairs: Dr. S. Fragkostefanakis, Prof. P. Gallusci
Location: Agora Auditorium

  • 8h30-9h40: Short talks (7 x 10 min)
    • Dynamic Variation in the Epigenome of English Oak (Quercus robur) Over Seasons and Atmospheric CO2 Levels. - Dr. He Joe and Dr. Luna Estrella
    • The Heredity of Drought: Probing Physiological and Molecular Markers of Stress Memory in Myles Chickpea Cultivar. - Dr. Negussu Miriam
    • Acute oak declines impact on the DNA methylome of Quercus robur and the inherited traits of their progenies. - Dr. Batten George
    • Towards Resilient Forests: The Interplay of Priming, Epigenetics, and Adaptive Responses to Abiotic and Biotic Stresses. - Dr. Hoenicka Hans
    • Chromatin remodelling and transcriptome dynamics in seed priming: hints from overprimed Medicago truncatula seeds. - Dr. Balestrazzi Alma
    • Epigenetic response to the parasitic plant Cuscuta campestris - methylome profiling of naïve and re-infected Arabidopsis hosts. - Dr. Zagorchev Lyuben
    • Transgenerational Memory in Tomato: Insights into Hormonal Regulation and Physiological Responses Across Generations. - Dr. Karalija Erna
  • 9h40-10h00: Methyl jasmonate-induced resistance in Norway spruce and its effect on the holobiont. - Dr. Mageroy Melissa, Molecular Plant Biology,  Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research, Norway (On line)

10h00-10h30: Coffee Break (room Badiane) and poster session (Cloister)

Session 3: Epigenetic regulations in plants interacting with organisms

Chairs: Prof. P. Gallusci, Dr. G. Le-Provost
Location: Agora Auditorium

  • 10h30-11h00: Keynote - Do epigenetic mechanisms control mycorrhization-type mutualistic relationships? - Prof. S. Maury, University of Orléans, France
  • 11h00-11h20 Population-level transposable element expression dynamics influence trait evolution in a fungal crop pathogen. - Dr. L. Abraham, Institute of Plant sciences, University of Cologne, Germany
  • 11h20 -11h40: Epigenetic dynamics during the plant-root-knot nematode interaction. - Dr. Ana Cláudia Silva,  Compañia Extremeña de Investigación y Producción Agroalimentaria S.A., Facultad de Ciencias Ambientales y Bioquímica, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Área de Fisiología Vegetal, Spain
  • 11h40-12h00: Using RNA silencing to improve walnut resilience to soil borne pests. - Dr. Paulo Zaini (On line), UC Davis, USA


12h00-14h00: Lunch (room Badiane for those registered for lunch) and poster session (Cloister)


Session 4: Epigenetics of organisms in interaction with plants

Chairs: Dr. N. Ponts , Dr. G. Le-Trionnaire
Location: Agora Auditorium

  • 14h00-14h30: Keynote - Beyond  DNA: the emerging role of the non-coding genome in plants and fungi - Prof. Roberta Galbo, University of Messina, Italy
  • 14h30-14h50Genetic and epigenetic determinants of host-plant adaptation in Spodoptera frugiperda. -Dr. Laijiao LAN, UMR DGIMI, INRAE - Université de Montpellier, Diversité, Génomes & Interactions Microorganismes-Insectes, France
  • 14h50-15h10Epi-biology of the mycotoxin producer Fusarium graminearum vs. host plant defense mechanisms.Dr. Nadia Ponts, MycSA, INRAE Bordeaux, France
  • 15h10- 15h40: Short talks (3 x 10min)
    • HDAC3 activation in Phytophthora infestans structures in response to host-derived nitrosative stress. - Dr. Gajewska Joanna, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Faculty of Biology, Department of Plant Ecophysiology, Poland
    • Reactive nitrogen species are involved in Phytophthora infestans life cycle via modifications of histone H3 and H4 acetylation. - Dr. Guan Yufeng, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Faculty of Biology, Department of Plant Ecophysiology, Poland
    • Studying epigenetic mechanisms that control nutritional and reproductive polyphenism in aphids. - Dr. Le Trionnaire Gaël, IGEPP, INRAE Rennes, France


15h40-16h10 Coffee Break (room Badiane); and departure for visit


16h10-19h: Bus trip and vineyard visit (for those registered, see details here)

20h00: Meeting Banquet (for those registered, see details here)


Friday 12/07/2024

Day 3: Harnessing epigenetic diversity

Session 5: Natural or induced epigenetic diversity and possible applications

Chairs: Dr. PL Testillano, Dr. V. Vassileva
Location: Agora Auditorium

  • 8h30-9h00: Keynote - Arabidopsis epigenetic inbred lines: a tool to study plant genome plasticity. - Dr. M. Catoni, School of Biosciences, University of Birmingham, UK
  • 9h00-9h20: Natural selection acting on epigenetic marks: insights from wild strawberry populations. - Dr. I. Sammarco, Institute of Botany, Department of Population Ecology, The Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic
  • 9h20-9h40: Creating Epigenetic diversity in clonaly propagated plants: grapevine as a case study. - Prof. P. Gallusci, EGFV, University of Bordeaux, France
  • 9h40-10h00: Short talks (2 x 10 min)
    • Epigenetic mechanisms involved in foreign gene expression silencing in different microalgae. - Dr. Segal Na'ama (On line)
    • Understanding terroir through DNA methylation patterns in Sangiovese grape clones. - Dr. Marconi Gianpiero


10h00-10h30: Coffee Break (Room Badiane) and last poster session (Cloister)


  • 10h30-11h00: Keynote - Plant epigenomics: from complex traits to molecular clocks - Prof. J. Franck Johannes, Plant epigenomics, Technical University of Munich, Germany
  • 11h00-11h30: Short talks (3 x 10 min)
    • Sympatric European white oaks species display contrasting epigenetic response to soil water availability. - Dr. Le Provost Gregoire
    • A software for Analyzing Ploidy and SNP Call Quality with Prospects for Future Epigenetic Research. - Dr. Konjić Almira
    • Comparative transcriptomics of microspore embryogenesis induction enhanced by histone deacetylase inhibitor treatment in Brassica napus L. - Dr. Carneros Elena
  • 11h30-11h50: Epigenome Editing in tomato. - Michal Lieberman-Lazarovich, Agricultural Research Organisation, Volcani Center, Israel


11h50-12h10: Final conference RNAi-mediated strategies to suppress crown gall tumor suppression in walnut using transgrafting approaches, Prof. F. Martinelli, Department of Biology, University of Florence


12h 10-12h15: Best poster and best short talk Prices.

12h15-14h00: Lunch (Room Badiane at the conference site for those registered for lunch)


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